System Certification ISO 45001 – Occupational Safety and Health Protection

The company Tehnix continues with its own development and continuously invests and improves its business activities as well as takes care of its employees and their safety at work. The continuation of the previous certification of the quality and environmental management system is confirmed with the introduction of the new certificate ISO 45001 – occupational safety and health protection. Health and safety at the workplace in the company Tehnix is always an important component of business for all employees, and the implementation of a quality health and safety policy is of great importance due to the fact that certificate ISO 45001 offers many benefits for the workers and the company Tehnix too. The benefits of implementing the ISO 45001 system are in reducing the risk of injury or illness to employees, reducing accidents, injuries and sick days, improving reputation and building trust with the community and employees, reducing costs due to employee lawsuits and paid compensation, better control over business risks and competitive advantages. The ISO 45001 standard certificate is a confirmation that the risks for health and safety at work in the organization are within the scope of the rules and norms prescribed by law, but it also emphasizes the care of all employees by the company Tehnix, because the strength of the company Tehnix are its employees.