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A Rewiev of the Anniversary of the Technology Conference in Dubrovnik and the Strategy for Sustainable Municipal Waste Management TehnixTEHNIX STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT

Rewiev of the Anniversary of the Technology Conference in Dubrovnik and the Strategy for Sustainable Municipal Waste Management Tehnix


„Eppur si muove!" (Yet it moves!), said Galileo Galilei, a famous Italian mathematician, physicist, inventor, and astronomer, back in the 15th century, who presented the teaching of the heliocentric system, for which the Inquisition put him in chains and took him to Rome, and he was later convicted in a staged trial and forced to renounce his teachings in exchange for house arrest. With this, we can begin the story of sustainable waste management through the circular economy strategy, because it is actually a kind of circulation - the turnover of raw materials in nature, creating new valuable resources and reducing the negative impact on nature and people. In February 2019, the company Tehnix organized and held the International Technology Conference on the Protection of the Adriatic Sea and Sustainable Municipal Waste Management in Cities Along the Adriatic Coast in Dubrovnik. The founder, owner and director, a great inventor and innovator, Mr. Đuro Horvat, has dedicated his entire life to creation, development and invention, as well as his own innovations, on which the company TEHNIX d.o.o. was founded and which employs over 600 workers-associates, has 12 of its own production facilities and produces more than 300 of its own inventions-products that serve the purpose of environmental protection. 
Back in the early 1990s, Mr. Đuro Horvat laid the foundations for sustainable waste management in order to contribute to the reduction of the amount of waste disposed of. With further growth and progress, creating new innovations and inventions for which he was awarded numerous domestic and international awards, he developed modern technologies for sorting and composting municipal waste, which transform waste into a valuable and useful resource for the production of new products. 
When waste generation is not prevented, it is necessary to recycle it and use it for material purposes. In this task, prescribed separate collection is a priority, and the specific system should be based on standardized technological facilities that provide the highest degree of recycling and reuse of raw materials and to conduct a professional analysis of the structure and quantity of waste. In this domain, it is justified to encourage waste collection, recycling and reuse in the economy as raw materials or energy, but specific solutions should be adapted to local conditions. There are a number of places that are excellent examples of responsible and sustainable collection of municipal and industrial waste. It is very important to publicly promote these good examples. Citizens, utility companies, business people and scientists of the Republic of Croatia have the right to participate in creating the best solutions in sustainable municipal waste management. The above theses and conclusions from the conference demonstrate Mr. Đuro Horvat's contribution to sustainable waste management, both locally and globally. His life's work, focused on innovations that reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment, clearly demonstrates how important individuals with vision and passion are for social progress. The establishment and development of Tehnix as a leader in the production of sustainable waste management solutions is just one of many testimonies of his commitment to sustainability and the circular economy. Even the posthumous awards assigned to Mr. Đuro Horvat, ARCA 2023, 21st International Innovation Exhibition Zagreb, 14.11.2023, Posthumous Recognition to Mr. Đuro Horvat for Contribution to Innovation in the Republic of Croatia and IKA 2023, 15th Innovation Exhibition Karlovac, 19.-22.9.2023, GOLD MEDAL to Mr. Đuro Horvat for the innovative waste recycling technology MO-BO-TO, are also proof of his significant contribution in the field of innovation. However, it should also be noted that everything mentioned so far actually finds its foundations in ancient times, but also that all the problems that Mr. Đuro Horvat pointed out have indeed come to fruition. Every day we witness various articles relating to large waste management centers and citizens who are victims of these centers, both ecological and financial victims because none of these built centers are sustainable nor do they achieve the targeted results, but on the contrary, they are grumbling about debts and depend on the help of national and European institutions. In conclusion, it can be confirmed that the thesis "Eppur si muove!" (Yet it moves!) from ancient times is persistent and repeated, both the thesis and the fate of its creator who was a man before his time, Galileo Galilei vs. Đuro Horvat, but the truth is that often such futuristic concepts are not accepted or at least not accepted easily. Blessed are those who know how to adapt, because the rest have problems they are not even aware of!   


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