A Contract on the Reconstruction of the Treskavac Sorting Plant A Contract on the Reconstruction of the Treskavac Sorting Plant Today, the company Tehnix held a ceremonial signing of the contract on the works on the reconstruction of the sorting plant within the s... 16/01/2025 11:14:06
Visit of a High-level Delegation from CBRD Visit of a High-level Delegation from CBRD Today, the company Tehnix hosted a high-level delegation from the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (CBRD) for the purpose of presenting Tehni... 09/01/2025 06:05:28
Kocerod nabavio novo vozilo Kocerod Acquired a New Vehicle The company Tehnix-eko delivered a special municipal container vehicle for the transport of waste with low emissions - a self-lifter to the municipal company Kocerod. Th... 11/12/2024 13:47:49
Visit of a High-Level Delegation from Hrvatske vode, the City of Prelog and the City of Mursko Središće and Međimurske vode Visit of a High-Level Delegation from Hrvatske vode, the City of Prelog and the City of Mursko Središće and Međimurske vode Today, the Management Board of the company Tehnix welcomed a high-level dele... 11/12/2024 08:03:33
With St. Nicholas, the Tratinčica Kindergarten in the Bobica Facility in Herešin Was Officially Opened With St. Nicholas, the Tratinčica Kindergarten in the Bobica Facility in Herešin Was Officially Opened The company Tehnix has completed its activities on the project of construction and installation o... 06/12/2024 13:04:13
Port of Koper INPO Purchased a New Municipal Vehicle Port of Koper INPO Purchased a New Municipal Vehicle The Port of Koper INPO purchased a new special municipal vehicle TEHNIX EKOMUNAL 7.5 m3 for collecting municipal waste on the MITSUBISHI FUSO eCANT... 05/12/2024 08:48:30
New Human Resources at Tehnix New Human Resources at Tehnix Traditionally, the company Tehnix has taken another step towards the end of the business year and ensured its stability in production by hiring new staff, more precisely ... 02/12/2024 14:05:28
The Company Tehnix at the 48 Hours Conference The Company Tehnix at the 48 Hours Conference Organized by Lider magazine, the company Tehnix is currently participating in the 48 Hours Conference, the 16th annual meeting of mayors and entrepreneurs... 29/11/2024 09:49:45
Signing of the Contracts with the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation Signing of the Contracts with the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation Today, the company Tehnix signed contracts for the expansion of the Varaždin prison and the Lip... 26/11/2024 13:57:37
Visit of Students from the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering in Varaždin Visit of Students from the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering in Varaždin Kompanija Tehnix tradicionalno i društveno odgovorno prima u posjet i prezentira svoja dostignuća učenicima i studentima iz s... 06/11/2024 05:46:28
Visit of the Croatian Academy of Engineering Visit of the Croatian Academy of Engineering The company Tehnix had an expert visit from the highest delegation of the Croatian Academy of Engineering. The reason for the visit was the excellent coope... 29/10/2024 13:14:03