Kindergarten Herešin in Koprivnica Kindergarten Herešin in Koprivnica Ovih dana kompanija Tehnix u završnoj je fazi izgradnje i montaže modularnog dječjeg vrtića u Herešinu. Projektom „Izgradnje i opremanja dječjeg vrtića Herešin“ pove... 28/08/2024 07:25:19 News
Tehnix Highest Creditworthiness Rating AAA Tehnix Highest Creditworthiness Rating AAA The American credit reporting agency Dun Bradstreet, with a branch in Zagreb,awarded a Certificate of Credit Excellence AAA, placing Tehnix in the highest cl... 31/07/2024 10:23:08 News
Delivery to Dinos Delivery to Dinos Kompanija Tehnix izvršila je isporuku i puštanje u rad dvodijelnog hidrauličkog preskontejnera kapaciteta 32 m3. Uz instaliranje izvršena je i obuka djelatnika za rad. Preskontejner ... 30/07/2024 05:27:36 News
Business Development in Slovakia The company Tehnix has longterm international business cooperation with the company Konnex from Slovakia. Moreover, an intensive production and sales activities are continuing before the well-deserved... 26/07/2024 08:53:24 News
Eco House for Fishpond Čukovec The city of Orebić for the Orebić Riviera acquired two sanitary containers with an external PVC facade in imitation of wood, thereby contributing to a better quality of stay for tourists and local cit... 26/07/2024 08:51:22 News
Riviera Orebić Arranged the Beach The city of Orebić for the Orebić Riviera acquired two sanitary containers with an external PVC facade in imitation of wood, thereby contributing to a better quality of stay for tourists and local cit... 26/07/2024 08:49:18 News
Tradicionalni Tehnix ribički kup Tradicionalni Tehnix ribički kup, koji se održava svake godine, ponovno je okupio zaposlenike tvrtke Tehnix na zajedničkom druženju i natjecanju u ribolovu. Ove godine, natjecanje je održano 13. srpnj... 14/07/2024 08:02:55 News
Delivery for the Utility Company Loši d.o.o. Isporuka za komunalno poduzeće Loši d.o.o. The company Tehnix delivered a universal utility vehicle TEHNIX EKOMUNAL with an upgrade capacity of 16 m3 to the utility company Loši d.o.o. The utility ve... 10/07/2024 10:36:35 News
NATJEČAJ ZA RADNO MJESTO - KOMERCIJALIST KOMPANIJA TEHNIX - VODEĆA EKO INDUSTRIJA na temelju ukazane potrebe raspisuje NATJEČAJ ZA RADNO MJESTO KOMERCIJALIST – 1 osoba - VŠS ili VSS ekonomske struke s iskustvom ili bez - Dobro poznavanje nje... 08/07/2024 12:50:23 News
Announcement of Annual Leave Poštovani kupci i poslovni partneri! Obavještavamo Vas da ćemo od 1.8.2024. – 18.8.2024. biti zatvoreni zbog kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora. Dana 31.7.2024. radi se normalno do 15 sati. Prvi radni dan b... 08/07/2024 08:47:44 News
Simbio Enriched the Fleet Simbio Enriched the Fleet According to the "old for new" model of the company Tehnix, the Tehnix self-lift upgrade - PTP 12 was delivered to the utility company Simbio Celje. The old two-chamber vehic... 03/07/2024 05:20:02 News