Kindergarten Herešin in Koprivnica Kindergarten Herešin in Koprivnica Ovih dana kompanija Tehnix u završnoj je fazi izgradnje i montaže modularnog dječjeg vrtića u Herešinu. Projektom „Izgradnje i opremanja dječjeg vrtića Herešin“ pove... 28/08/2024 07:25:19
Tehnix Highest Creditworthiness Rating AAA Tehnix Highest Creditworthiness Rating AAA The American credit reporting agency Dun Bradstreet, with a branch in Zagreb,awarded a Certificate of Credit Excellence AAA, placing Tehnix in the highest cl... 31/07/2024 10:23:08
Delivery to Dinos Delivery to Dinos Kompanija Tehnix izvršila je isporuku i puštanje u rad dvodijelnog hidrauličkog preskontejnera kapaciteta 32 m3. Uz instaliranje izvršena je i obuka djelatnika za rad. Preskontejner ... 30/07/2024 05:27:36
Business Development in Slovakia The company Tehnix has longterm international business cooperation with the company Konnex from Slovakia. Moreover, an intensive production and sales activities are continuing before the well-deserved... 26/07/2024 08:53:24
Eco House for Fishpond Čukovec The city of Orebić for the Orebić Riviera acquired two sanitary containers with an external PVC facade in imitation of wood, thereby contributing to a better quality of stay for tourists and local cit... 26/07/2024 08:51:22
Riviera Orebić Arranged the Beach The city of Orebić for the Orebić Riviera acquired two sanitary containers with an external PVC facade in imitation of wood, thereby contributing to a better quality of stay for tourists and local cit... 26/07/2024 08:49:18
Tradicionalni Tehnix ribički kup Tradicionalni Tehnix ribički kup, koji se održava svake godine, ponovno je okupio zaposlenike tvrtke Tehnix na zajedničkom druženju i natjecanju u ribolovu. Ove godine, natjecanje je održano 13. srpnj... 14/07/2024 08:02:55
Delivery for the Utility Company Loši d.o.o. Isporuka za komunalno poduzeće Loši d.o.o. The company Tehnix delivered a universal utility vehicle TEHNIX EKOMUNAL with an upgrade capacity of 16 m3 to the utility company Loši d.o.o. The utility ve... 10/07/2024 10:36:35
NATJEČAJ ZA RADNO MJESTO - KOMERCIJALIST KOMPANIJA TEHNIX - VODEĆA EKO INDUSTRIJA na temelju ukazane potrebe raspisuje NATJEČAJ ZA RADNO MJESTO KOMERCIJALIST – 1 osoba - VŠS ili VSS ekonomske struke s iskustvom ili bez - Dobro poznavanje nje... 08/07/2024 12:50:23
Announcement of Annual Leave Poštovani kupci i poslovni partneri! Obavještavamo Vas da ćemo od 1.8.2024. – 18.8.2024. biti zatvoreni zbog kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora. Dana 31.7.2024. radi se normalno do 15 sati. Prvi radni dan b... 08/07/2024 08:47:44
Simbio Enriched the Fleet Simbio Enriched the Fleet According to the "old for new" model of the company Tehnix, the Tehnix self-lift upgrade - PTP 12 was delivered to the utility company Simbio Celje. The old two-chamber vehic... 03/07/2024 05:20:02